Affiliations / Learning Resources / Additional Information
We list the following organizations as additional information for our visitors who may be interested in learning more about these organizations, and what they provide. (For example, specific business practices, information about disciplines, and additional news, information or commentary about issues, concerns and topics.) Hank Boerner is a member of, or is affiliated with these organizations – affiliations indicated. Information is available directly from some of these organizations via Web links.
The Directorship 100: People to Watch – by NACD/Directorship
The Directorship 100: People to Watch – by NACD/Directorship http://www.directorship.com/the-directorship-100-people-to-watch/
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is an association of more than 600 community-based organizations that promotes access to basic banking services, including credit and savings, to create and sustain affordable housing, job development, and vibrant communities for America's working families. Members include community reinvestment organizations, community development corporations, local and state
government agencies, faith-based institutions, community organizing groups, civil rights organizations, minority- and women-owned business associations, community development financial institutions, and local and social service providers from across the nation.
Community Investment/Financial Education
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is an association of more than 600 community-based organizations that promotes access to basic banking services, including credit and savings, to create and sustain affordable housing, job development, and vibrant communities for America’s working families. Members include community reinvestment organizations, community development corporations, local and state
government agencies, faith-based institutions, community organizing groups, civil rights organizations, minority- and women-owned business associations, community development financial institutions, and local and social service providers from across the nation.
Hank Boerner is a pro bono counsel to NCRC; Governance & Accountability Institute is a Member organization.
The Institute partners with NCRC to publish the Community Investment Network Web site. www.communityinvestmentnetwork.org
Directorship/Corporate Governance
National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)
The National Association of Corporate Directors is a national, not-for-profit
membership organization serving the corporate governance needs of individual Corporate Directors and
entire Boards.
Membership benefits include: corporate governance information, continuing education, benchmarking,
publications (including Directors Monthly newsletter), annual and regional conferences, surveys and
customized "In-Board" programs for Board of Directors. Members also can register as a potential candidate
for public company boards ("Director's Registry"). Hank Boerner is a member of the organization and
its New York Chapter.
Molloy College Center for Business Ethics
Molloy College is an independent institution of higher learning founded in 1955 in
Rockville Centre, New York. Molloy provides a value-centered undergraduate and graduate education
enhancing the intellectual, ethical, spiritual and social development of each student.
The Center for Business Ethics is a critical initiative launched in 2003 to promote Ethics and
Leadership through service to the community.
New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer delivered the keynote address to inaugurate the
center. Former SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt delivered the distinguished lecture address -
"Corporate Governance: Demanding Accountability" - in April 2004
Molloy College Ethics Digest
Hank Boerner is a member of the college's Business Ethics advisory committee and periodically addresses
faculty and students on Accountability issues and ethic topics.
Investor Relations/Corporate Reporting
About the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)
Founded in 1969, NIRI (www.NIRI.org) is the professional association of corporate officers and
investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities
analysts and other financial community constituents. NIRI is the largest professional investor relations
association in the world with more than 4,000 members representing 2,000 publicly held companies and $5.4
trillion in stock market capitalization.
National Investor Relations Institute New York Chapter (NIRINY)
Hank Boerner is Editor, NIRI Publications, and Corporate Governance Columnist for IR Update (Monthly).
He is a member of the NIRI Senior Roundtable, and served on the Counselor's Advisory Committee to the
Board of Directors.
He is a member of the New York Chapter and serves on the Board of Directors. He is also VP - Communications
of the Chapter.
Issue Management
Issue Management is the process used to align organizational activities and stakeholder expectations.
Issue Management Council (IMC)
The Issue Management Council (IMC) is the professional membership organization for
people whose work is managing issues and those who wish to advance the discipline. IMC services include: workshops, annual conferences, publications (books, newsletters, other materials)
and a web-based library for members.
Hank Boerner serves on the Board of Directors and was Chairman, 2005-2007, previously he was Treasurer. |
Mediation/Arbitration/Dispute Resolution
American Bar Association (ABA)
The American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution provides members
and the public with creative leadership in the dispute resolution field.
The section provides technical assistance, develops educational programs, conducts workshops and
conferences, and publishes materials to encourage excellence in dispute resolution services. The
Section's member newsletter is JUST RESOLUTIONS.
Conference are organized as essential gathering places for dispute resolution leaders, practitioners,
students, academics and corporate officers from law firms, corporations, universities, accounting
practices and other professions.