CSR Wire Talk Back Posts
Lessons From Past Corporate Scandals -– Market Money Talks
A new study shows that SRI activism pays for companies that lead in CSR
October 24, 2012
By Hank Boerner
Here’s a question: does sustainability and corporate responsibility disclosure and reporting matter to investors?We’re approaching the quarter-century mark now since the question has been raised in various settings and circumstances. Who does it matter to…and as a corporate manager, why should I care. Yes, there are still discussions like that in the corporate setting. Not everyone has gotten the message.
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Motor City's Big 3: Leading The Way On Sustainability Reporting
American car companies have not only rebounded economically; they've also matured as good corporate citizens
September 24, 2012
By Hank Boerner
America's manufacturing fortunes have long been represented by the "Big Three" auto companies -Ford Motor, General Motors and Chrysler. When WWII ended, and for the post-war prosperity era well into the late-1960s, American car brands dominated the roads not only in North America, but around the world. American vehicles were an export engine; millions of people (by some estimates up to 10 percent of the working population) depended on the Big Three for their jobs. Communities counted on their presence. And then the roof caved in.
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Sustainability Reporting & GRI Focal Point USA: One Year Later
Why large cap companies are warming up to sustainability reporting and the GRI framework
August 13, 2012
By Hank Boerner
Focusing on the huge market we usually refer to as "Corporate America," the folks who run nonprofit Global Reporting Initiative [GRI] in Amsterdam organized a concentrated effort to encourage more U.S. companies to adopt the GRI G3 framework for their sustainability reporting.
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Telling the Story of Your Sustainability Journey Through a CSR Report
Everything we do tells a story. So, why not your CSR report?
July 16, 2012
By Hank Boerner
Tell me a story-No matter your age or status, that's a wonderful incentive to begin a conversation. Everything we do tells a story; if we apply that to the corporation, the story is told through strategies adopted, the corporate culture, the actions of boards, CEOs, the workforce, the capital market valuations, the perceptions and reputation elements shaped -- all tell a story and combined, tell the story of the company.
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