Hank Boerner
Hank Boerner


Library - Corporate Governance Update Articles

Corporate Governance Update

Articles By Hank Boerner:
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Council On Economic Priorities Names "Worst Polluters" For 1993 -- Companies Are 1994 Targets For Campaign For Cleaner Corporations
(Winter 1994)

Lead Paragraph:Since 1991, the Council on Economic Priorities' (CEP) researchers have analyzed the environmental records of major corporations and issued 30-to-80-page reports on major companies (more than 110 to date). Hundreds of companies will be examined over the next few years, says the CEP. Ten large corporations with what CEP terms "the most egregious environmental records" were targeted in 1991 and 1992 for action by stakeholders - investors, employees, government officials, law firms, public interest groups, environmental activists, regulators, financial analysts, and others who regularly follow CEP research. The 1992 "Least Wanted" List was released in December. This short list of major companies is selected by a panel of independent judges after measurement against their industry and other similar companies. The firms are now targets of The Campaign for Cleaner Corporations, an activist campaign waged by more than 20 consumer, environmental and shareholder groups which have joined forces with CEP.

U.S. Banks Face New Standards For Fair Lending And Greater Corporate Accountability
(Winter 1994 special report on bank accountability)

Lead Paragraph:Washington, DC - The pressure is on in Washington to encourage greater "accountability" on the part of American banks of all sizes - from small community banks to the huge, money center institutions. New federal banking rules are proposed that will help bring more "democracy" to bank lending practices. 1994 and 1995 promise to be years of significant change for many U.S. bankers. The chosen instrument for immediate change is the Community Reinvestment Act, which could be made more stringent by Congress (if initial sponsors have their way) in 1994. At the same time officials of the big four regulators - Federal Reserve, FDIC, Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency - are saying to Congress that enough law has already been enacted to deal with bank lending practices and that new CRA regulations will better address the issue, not more legislation.

Are Private Pension Funds In Peril? Nation's Pension System Faces Greater Scrutiny And Reform
(Winter 1994 special report on pension plan reform)

Lead Paragraph:Washington, DC -- Are some U.S. corporate and union employee pension funds in deep trouble? The word in Washington is that the 103rd Congress, the Clinton White House and the insurance agency set up to guarantee coverage for retirees of failed pension plans are moving aggressively to enact dramatic reforms, to become new law and regulations in 1994 or 1995. The effect on corporate America could be broad and deep, depending on the final legislation adopted. The U.S. Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), the federal agency set up by Congress as part of ERISA to guarantee the delivery of promised defined benefits [of private sector pension funds] to retired workers, says it has at risk tens of billions of dollars (as the insurer of last resort if privately-sponsored defined benefit plans fail).

Does Corporate Structure And Governance Practice Determine Whether America Can Compete Effectively With Japan And Germany?
(April 1994 a repory on emerging trends and issues)

Lead Paragraph:How much of a factor in global competition are the means by which a nation's corporations are organized, structured and governed? Does the relationship between government and the private sector determine the competitiveness of a nation's industry? The General Accounting Office (the investigative arm of Congress) devoted months to studying these questions - watch for discussions to broaden appreciably in the coming months after recent publication of the GAO study. The GAO research was performed at the request of U.S. Senator Ernest F. Hollings, Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and Senator Richard H. Bryan, Chairman, Subcommittee on the Consumer Committee. The director of the study was GAO's Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director of International Trade, Finance & Competitiveness. A number of agencies provided counsel.

The Debate Is Engaged: The Lines Between Public Policy Concerns And Corporate Matters Are Quickly Blurring
(Winter 1993)

Lead Paragraph:Recent events inside the board rooms - and the resulting dramatic headlines - have sent a wakeup call to senior executives and other boards of directors throughout America's corporations. If your company has not yet been involved in internal or external corporate governance issues, there is time to analyze the current public debate and prepare for your involvement in the latest movement to sweep the corporate world. This is not a short-term phenomenon. Sooner or later, virtually every publicly-owned corporation in the United States will be involved in the broadening corporate governance debate underway; corporate governance issues will affect the careers of countless numbers of senior corporate officers.

Copyright 2005 H.L. Boerner. All rights reserved.

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