Quotes and Interviews
Quotes and Interviews with Hank Boerner:
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Why Do Some Boards Bow to Activists?
(Agenda Week, July 30, 2012, By Katie Wagner)
And Hank Boerner, who has been advising Fortune 500 boards for decades on crisis management and other issues, says companies sometimes settle with a shareholder seeking board seats because they want to avoid the negative media attention that could result from a contested director election.
Daredevil CEOs may put their companies at risk
(Reuters, February 7, 2012, By Ben Berkowitz)
It's very important that a public company CEO be candid with the stakeholder audience whether that's an investor or the people who he works with," said Hank Boerner, chairman of the Governance & Accountability Institute. He said Micron had not mentioned in its annual reports or proxies that Appleton had such risky pastimes.
Down Times Hit Pay of Top 3 Long Island Execs
(Newsday, April 22, 2009, By James Bernstein)
Many local businesses did not fare well in 2008 as the economy crumbled, and the chief executives of two of the three largest Long Island companies did not make as much money as they did in 2007, while the third got a raise but voluntarily took a cut in his bonus.
Corporate Accountability - Impact Of Spitzer Probes Is Felt By IR Pros And Analysts
(Video Interview - October 2007 - Cablevision System - New York)
Governance & Accountability Chairman, Hank Boerner interviewed by host Dr. Harvey Passes - Comments on emergency preparedness, protecting your home and family, business and other topics and concerns.
Corporate Accountability - Impact Of Spitzer Probes Is Felt By IR Pros And Analysts
(PR Week, May 3, 2004, By Tom Acitelli)
"He's really beginning to lay out an intellectual framework for what he's doing,"
says Hank Boerner, managing director of PR agency Rowan & Blewitt. "It's not just targets of opportunity.
He's saying, Look, the role of government is to be a facilitator to ensure that the markets run smooth
and fair, and if it's ... transparent and so forth, we're going to have stronger markets and a stronger
Wall Street, stronger corporations." In pursuing companies, Spitzer goes far beyond what other state
attorneys general have seen as their role.
Community Reinvestment Rings in the Nation's Capital
(NIRI's Reinvestment Works, Spring 2004)
The movement for economic justice and community reinvestment could not have been stronger
or louder before. On March 10-13, 2004, NCRC held its 13th Annual Conference, "Bringing Economic Justice Home", in
Washington, D.C. Exceeding previous conference attendanec, the 500+ participants joined NCRC in learning, networking,
and presenting their views in workshops, plenary sessions, and on Capitol Hill. The most inspiring words on our issues
came from members and participants, as well as from the speeches of Dr. Julianne Malveaux and Reverend Jesse Jackson.
The speeches of Clarence Carter, Director of the Office of Community Services, and Hank Boerner, Managing Director of
Rowan & Blewitt, were very encouraging and informative.
IMC Board Defines Best Practices - Governance Guidelines for "the Bodies Corporate"
(Corporate Public Issues, September 2003)
Lead Paragraph:IMC Treasurer Hank Boerner, who is Managing
Director of Rowan & Blewitt's New York Office, believes the indicators bring timely value
to corporate leadership as well as practioners: "Many organizations practice issue management
in various ways," Boerner says. "It is clear that this new environment for corporations requires
more focus on managing issues and clear guidelines for the bodies corporate --- from the board
level to the senior management line employees --- and involving all unites and disciplines within
the 'body corporate."
To view news release related to this article issued by the IMC, click here. |
Freddie Mac Hires Issue Management Firm
(The Street(thestreet.com), November 17, 2003, By Matthew Goldstein)
Freddie Mac (FRE:NYSE - commentary - research), which is being investigated by federal
regulators for accounting irregularities, is preparing damage control. The nation's second-biggest buyer
of mortgages has retained Rowan & Blewitt, a Virginia-based consulting firm that specializes in corporate
crisis management. The consulting firm has been quietly working behind the scenes with Freddie for the past
several months.
LIBN at 50: 1953-2003; 1996: Still working on Long Island's Rail Road
(Long Island Business News (LIBN), 1996, By Natalie Cavanor)
In recent years, billions in tax dollars have modernized the railroad and improved
customer satisfaction. But critics contend that it's taken more money and mistakes than necessary to
achieve that progress. "It's subject to the political process, very powerful unions, whims, vicissitudes,
partisan criticisms, the weight of tradition good or bad," says Hank Boerner, now a crisis communications
consultant who worked for the LIRR from 1969 to 1973. "It's marvelous that it runs as well as it does.
It's shaped Long Island and we take it for granted, probably pay little attention to how important it is
to the region's economy except when there's a crisis."
LIBN at 50: 1953-2003; 1958: The start of the Townsend era
(Long Island Business News (LIBN), 1958, By Adina Genn)
"Mitchel Field was like when young soldiers go to war and have their defining moment,"
says Hank Boerner, a Commercial Review reporter in the mid-1960s. "This became Paul's motivation for running
a hard-hitting, crusading newspaper, and we followed it. It shaped the rest of us because we heard so much
about it." Boerner later managed public relations for American Airlines, the Long Island Railroad and the
New York Stock Exchange before becoming a private consultant. "Working with him was like fireworks going
on. At weekly staff meetings he'd shape our coverage by inspiration. Some of us would get it and some
wouldn't. Sometimes we'd roll our eyes and say, 'Here comes another bridge,'" referring to a proposed
bridge stretching from Long Island to Connecticut that Townsend pushed for.
Advertising Invades the Legal Profession
(Newsday, June 16, 1983, By Rita Ciolli)
It was just 20 years ago that the partners in a prominent Manhatten law firm were censured
for offending the traditions of the legal profession. They had allowed themselves to be profiled in a Life magazine
article. Now billboards and television ads by lawyers are becoming commonplace. In the old days a lawyer who wanted
to build his reputation and attract client campaigned for the town council and the schoolboard and attended Kiwanis luncheons.
Membership in a high-class country club was another ticket to developing a good practice.