Hank Boerner
Hank Boerner


Personal Tribute to Paul Townsend

A Tribute to My Mentor (by Hank Boerner)

When I was growing up in East Hempstead in the 1950s, one of my favorite after school pasttimes was reading Newsday. In the early days of the newspaper it had an editorial section similar to that of the NY Daily News' "Voice of the People," with lively letters to the editor, and a daily editorial cartoon featuring two ducks - labelled "Nassau" and "Suffolk," of course. The ducks were always commenting on local issues (in the pre-Townsend era). And there were regular references in the pages to Long Island as being "New York City's bedroom."

So there we were, in the Eisenhower boom years, happily situated in a mostly rural or semi-suburban community best characterized by two little Long Island ducklings and thousands of bedrooms for hustling commuters who were NYC-bound in the mornings. How things have changed!

And our friend Paul Townsend is the man responsible in one way or another for many of the most dramatic changes that have taken place over the past five decades. We now have our own identity as a major metropolitan statistical area, thanks in large part to Paul's work; he fought for the "Nassau-Suffolk MSA," which ranks us among the Top 10 regions in the nation, right up there with Philadelphia and Los Angeles. The world now recognizes "Long Island" as the nation's fourth largest market and knows we are more than just about suburban bedrooms and ducks (although we are proud indeed of our new minor league baseball team -- "Long Island Ducks!")

Of course, there are many, many improvements, enhancements, regional resources, and great community assets behind that brawny "MSA" ranking (and that make up our regional greatness). High-technology companies and industries. Biotechnology breakthroughs. Aerospace accomplishments. Computer software dominance. Space Age industries. Booming consumer market, powerful retail sector. Higher ed institutions that are world-renowned. Vast public works projects. Smart industries and sectors.

So much so that by the 1970s I was writing (in an op-ed) in Newsday calling attention to our splendid "Island Empire," a bustling regional economy that is today more powerful than many nations - we are among the top 50 economies of the world. Paul's incessant efforts at economic development; promotion of our region's features; proselytizing on the Island's behalf; and the nonstop floating of ideas, regional concepts, challenges, charges, questions - "I'm Paul Townsend, do you have any questions?" - have helped to create an economy which benefits all of us. For that we are all grateful.

I am especially grateful to Paul for being my mentor and guide, and friend. When I was a struggling young writer just getting started he took me in and taught me my trade. He inspired me, guided me, pushed me, encouraged me, and challenged me. Very often in my professional life I will stop and think about Paul's influence on me, and how he helped me to be a better journalist, writer, communicator, and later, corporate executive and crisis and issue counselor. Thank you, Paul. Those words are straight from the heart - you will always be my hero. All the best to you and Terry tonight!

Copyright 2005 H.L. Boerner. All rights reserved.

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